Network Simulation Reference Projects
OMNeT++ has been used in several EU-sponsored research projects:

GEYSERS. The vision of the GEYSERS (Generalized Infrastructure for Dynamic Infrastructure Services, FP7 project is to qualify optical infrastructure providers and network operators with a new architecture, to enhance their traditional business operations. Infrastructure Providers will compose virtual infrastructures and rent them out to Virtual Infrastructure Operators, which will run cost-efficient, dynamic and mission-specific infrastructures by means of integrated control and virtualization management techniques.
University of Ghent as a project partner developed a simulation framework built on OMNeT++ for performance studies of the GEYSERS architecture. The GEYSERS model is based on the MPLS, RSVP and LDP protocol implementations in the INET Framework.
De Leenheer, M.; Buysse, J. et al., 2011. "Design and Implementation of a Simulation Environment for Network Virtualization". In proceedings of the IEEE 16th International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD), 10-11 June 2011, Kyoto, Japan. [pdf]

PURSUIT. The PURSUIT (Publish Subscribe Internet Technology, FP7 project is concerned with a system-level approach to re-designing the major function of the current Internet, namely the internetworking layer. PURSUIT directly builds on the vision and results from the former FP7 project PSIRP.
OMNeT++ was mainly used for the development of simulators for the proposed name resolution solutions. The base module developed for this purpose was H-Pastry, a hierarchical version of the Pastry Distributed Hash Table (DHT) overlay. H-Pastry was developed as an extension of the Pastry DHT simulator that comes with the Oversim package of overlay networks for OMNeT++. Another simulator module was developed in OMNeT++ for evaluating Selective Neighbour Caching (SNC).
Janne Riihijärvi et al, 2012. PURSUIT project deliverable D4.4, "Description of Validation and Simulation Tools in PURSUIT Context", Section 2.3 "OMNeT++ Simulator", pp.10. [pdf]

ULOOP. The ULOOP (User-centric Wireless Local Loop, FP7 project brings in a fresh approach to user-centricity by exploring user-provided networking aspects in a way that expands the reach of a multi-access backbone.
The OMNeT++ simulation model for the ULOOP Resource Management / RelaySpot is available as part of the D3.6 public deliverable. [download page]

4WARD. The goal of the 4WARD project (Architecture and Design for the Future Internet, FP7 Ref: 216041, is to make the development of networks and networked applications faster and easier, leading to both more advanced and more affordable communication services.
OMNeT++ was used in Working Package 5 of 4WARD (Generic Path architecture and mechanisms) to implement an optical network model for validating the ontology-based resource description concept presented in WP5.
Deliverable for 4WARD, WP5: D-5.3 Evaluation of Generic Path architecture and mechanisms [pdf]

WASP. The WASP project (Wirelessly Accessible Sensor Populations, FP6-IST-2005-2.5.3 Embedded Systems) was aimed at the provisioning of a complete system view for building large populations of collaborating wireless objects. Three business areas, road transport, elderly care, and herd control, were selected for their societal significance and large range of requirements, to validate the WASP results. The WASP consortium consisted of six industrial partners, one SME, six large research institutes and six universities.
OMNeT++ was used in WASP to simulate mobile wireless sensors and radio power consumption using the Mobility Framework (MF; Some contributions to MF (e.g models of the TI CC1100 and CC 2420 802.15.4 network interface cards) were developed within the WASP project under contract IST-034963.
Jerome Rousselot, Jean-Dominique Decotiginie, Marc Aoun, Peter van der Stok, Ramon Serna Oliver, Gerhard Fohler, "Accurate Timeliness Simulations for Real-Time Wireless Sensor Networks". 3rd UkSim European Symposium on Computer Modeling and Simulation (EMS 2009), 2009. [pdf]

BIONETS. The BIONETS project (BIOlogically-inspired autonomic NETworks and Services, was aimed at providing a biologically-inspired open networking paradigm for the creation, dissemination, execution, and evolution of autonomic services, able to adapt to the surrounding environment and user needs, to evolve without direct human supervision, and able to deal with large-scale networks of heterogeneous nodes ranging from small, cheap devices to more complex network nodes.
Vilmos Simon, Laszlo Bacsardi, Sandor Szabo (TU Budapest), Daniele Miorandi (CREATE-NET), 2007. "BIONETS: A New Vision of Opportunistic Networks". Proceedings of WRECOM'07: Wireless Rural and Emergency Communications Conference, Rome, Italy, 2007. [pdf]
Sandor Szabo (editor), 2007. "D1.3.2: BIONETS simulation framework and initial performance analysis", BIONETS project deliverable. Chapter 6, "The BIONETS simulator platform", pp.31. [pdf]

OPTIMIX. The ICT-OPTIMIX FP7 project ( studies innovative solutions enabling enhanced video streaming for point to multi-point in an IP based wireless heterogeneous system, based on cross- layer adaptation of the whole transmission chain. The aim of the project is to increase the perceived quality of service for the user thanks to efficient cross-layer mechanisms enabling efficient joint approach between application world and transmission world. The project partners are Thales, Siemens A.G., VTT, Cefriel, CNIT, Univ. of Southampton, TU Budapest (BME) and NXP Semiconductors.
Two OMNeT++-based simulators were developed as part of the project:
- HIPSim++ is an INET Framework based Host Identity Protocol (HIP) model. HIPSim++ has been released as an open-source model. (Project web site)
- OPTIMIXsim is the OPTIMIX System Simulator, a simulator developed on OMNeT++ by the OPTIMIX partners. OPTIMIXsim contains modules at several levels of the protocol stack, including the application and session layers; transport, network and packetisation; radio access; and also controllers and observers. The model is described in the D2.1a project deliverable and on the OPTIMIXsim web site. The source code of the simulator is currently available on request. (Project web site)
L. Bokor, Sz. Novaczki, L. T. Zeke, G. Jeney, 2009. "Design and Evaluation of Host Identity Protocol (HIP) Simulation Framework for INET/OMNeT++", in the proceedings of the 12th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWIM 2009), Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, Oct. 26. 2009. [pdf]
SIEMENS (editor), "Preliminary Scalable Video Source Behaviour and Sensibility Model", 2009. OPTIMIX project deliverable D2.1a, Chapter 7 "OMNeT++ Modules", pp.60. [pdf]

ROCKET. ROCKET (Reconfigurable OFDMA-based Cooperative NetworKs Enabled by Agile SpecTrum Use, is an FP7 project that aims at providing a ubiquitous wireless solution to reach bit rates higher than 100Mbps with peak throughputs higher than 1Gbps, based on reconfigurable OFDMA cooperative networks enabled by agile spectrum use.
OMNeT++ is used in Working Package 3 of the project by the project partner Thales Communications France (TCF). Quote: WP3: TCF will provide contributions on task 3A2 / deliverable D7, building an OMNeT++ simulation to compare the MAC-level performance of various Alamouti-based cooperative relaying techniques in the single-cell multi-user context of the "one way two paths" relay channel scenario (source.) The simulation model is documented in deliverable D7.
R. Hoshyar et al, 2009. "3d2 - Multi User Cooperative Transmission techniques for OFDMA Multi-hop Cellular Networks", ROCKET project deliverable D7. Chapter 4, "OMNeT++ simulation framework for ROCKET", pp.175. [pdf]

BOSS. The purpose of the Celtic BOSS project ( was the design and prototype development of an efficient railway communication system. This system was aimed at supporting the high demands of an audio/video surveillance system in a rolling train from a control center on the wayside. The system is based on WiMAX/HSUPA (outdoors, towards the control center) and WiFi (indoors) networks.
An OMNeT++ simulation model of the full communication architecture has been used thoughout the project lifetime, and was gradually enriched with modules and algorithms developed within the project's technical packages on radio communications, signalling, adaptation to impairments, efficient multimedia compression, and abnormal events detection. You can read more details in our case study.
C. Lamy-Bergot, 2008. "BOSS: On-board wireless secured video surveillance", in Celtic News, November 2008, pp.4. [pdf]

PSIRP. The purpose if the PSIRP (Publish-Subscribe Internet Routing Paradigm, FP7 project is to design a new information-centric internetworking architecture based on the publish-subscribe paradigm.
In order to better understand the possible options and tradeoffs, project participants implemented a standard BitTorrent simulator on OMNeT++, which served both as a benchmark against which the PSIRP version would be compared, and as the basis for a multicast BitTorrent version that operated over an overlay multicast routing scheme (in particular, Scribe over Pastry, both provided by the OverSim extension to OMNeT++). AUEB (Athens University of Economics and Business) released the BitTorrent simulator to the OMNeT++ community as an open-source simulation model. Details are described in deliverables D3.3 and D5.4.
P. Jokela (editor), 2009. "Progress Report and Evaluation of Implemented Upper and Lower Layer", PSIRP project deliverable D3.3. Section 2.3.1, "BitTorrent", pp.15. [pdf]
H. Flinck et al, 2009. "Dissemination and Exploitation Report", PSIRP project deliverable D5.4. Section 5.1.1, "Dissemination of PSIRP results", pp.7. [pdf]
Please note that commercial companies joining research projects need to obtain an OMNEST license.